Community Support
SKSS is back at the Midday Show
February 6th, 2024
Check out our follow-up interview with Tanya Cronin, at the CFJC Midday Show. Their team continues to show great support to our music program and the community of Kamloops. We look forward to returning to the show in the future.
Sr.Combo at District PAC Dinner
November, 2023
SD #73 District PAC kindly invited our jazz students to play during their 2023 appreciation dinner. Their generous organizers made a donation towards our jazz band's 2023 Nationals Campaign. Our students thoroughly enjoyed their generous and supportive audience. Check out this short video of our Sr. Jazz Combo providing some great dinner music.
SKSS news at the Midday Show
August 11, 2023
Check out our interview with Tanya Cronin, at the CFJC Midday Show. What an amazing and supportive team of professionals! We look forward to another appearance at the show.
Busking @ the Farmer's Market
May 13, 2023
Our Senior Jazz Combo had way too much fun performing at the Saturday Kamloops Farmer's Market. What an amazing morning that was! If you missed them that day, stay tuned to find out when they will be back at the market again. There is only one thing better than hanging out at the Farmer's Market on a sunny morning... it is listening to some fabulous jazz while you are there! We promise to get some better videos next time...
Keep checking our fundraising events page. We will make sure to post our next fundraising event here as soon as we can share the details with you!